martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008


Thanksgivind day is celebrated with lot of fervor and merry-making in America. Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in the month of November every year, it is a time for communal thanksgiving, feeling gratitude, lavish feasts. It is a time to remember the pilgrims. The original pilgrims celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks. The feast popularly known as the 'First Thanksgiving Day Feast' was held as a gesture of thanks to almighty God . It was celebrated in the year 1621. After the United States gained independence, Congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate.

Here there are some thanksgiving jokes:

  • Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey?

A: They suspected it of fowl play.

  • Q: Why did they let the turkey join the band?

A: Because he had the drumsticks

  • Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?

A: It was the chicken's day off.

  • Q: Who is not hungry at Thanksgiving?

A: The turkey because he's already stuffed!

You can work with your students writing a composition about that celebration, or you can bring wordsearch or puzzle, they will love it!

Also you can go to the following page: where you can find different activites for your students to teach them about that important celebration!

2 comentarios:

Carito Acevedo dijo...

Hi Angie,

Your posts are well-organized, I really like them because you talk about different topics and the information is relevant. We share the same template, so I think it is really good jejej. I suggest changing the language of your blog because it is in Spanish, but I think your blog is organized, relevant and varied, Good job!

Lina dijo...

hi Angelik
talking about Thanksgiving day, How was it? haha
Now, talking about your blog, I like the title and your organization.
I can see that you try to relate all your posts with your blog's title, that's great.
see you